Mothers can be somewhat inconsistent when it comes to protecting their daughters. For instance, I knew a girl that looked a lot like Lil Kimmy above and her mom was very protective of her. She wasn’t allowed to wear skirts, makeup or tops that showed her bra straps… But then why did her mom buy her a crochet bikini and invite the football team and the cheerleading squad over for a pool party?
Some moms live vicariously through their daughters all too often, and some, like my Lil Kimmy look-a-like’s mom only fuck up once in a while, but when they do… it is a doozy!
This girls mom bought her and her daughter matching crochet bikinis and the spacing between the loops was much larger than the one Lil Kimmy is wearing. Large enough to allow rock hard nipples to peak out and a little peach fuzz too!
The football team was evenly split between checking out the daughter and going MILF all over the mother. Her mom was eating up all of the attention and seemed completely oblivious to the fact that her daughter’s bikini was attracting the same amount of attention for the same reasons!
Most people would assume the girls on the Tiny Teen Pass all had mothers that let them get away with murder when it came to boys and how they dressed, but nothing could be further from the truth! Most of the girls came from very strict backgrounds and once they turned 18 years old they decided to express all of that pent up sexual frustration!
Their parents loss is our gain!
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One of the newest girls is Cute Tabby and she has friends like Lil Kelly and Tiny Becky that are also new. So new they haven’t even went live with their sites yet!
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I love this girls boobs!
Comment by Lucas — July 20, 2012 @ 7:27 am