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Posted By admin on 01/03/12 - Bookmark Cute Tabby


While Sara was growing up she always had big crushes on older guys in her life. Her brother was much older than she was so while he was in high school, she was already crushing on his friends before she even hit junior high!

This obsession with older guys continued throughout Sara’s childhood and by the time she turned 18 years old she was ready to test the limits of her desire to fuck older men. But she had no idea just how far she would eventually allow her desire to take her!

One day when she was visiting a friend of hers she met her friends grandfather and couldn’t believe the feelings he was stirring in her pussy. Could it even be possible, she thought?

After several more visits it became obvious to gramps what was going on. This little teenage girl wanted his cock and she wasn’t taking no for an answer. So what is a gentleman supposed to do? Leave her sexually repressed?

When his granddaughter left the room gramps asked Sara if she would like to go to his house and watch some movies. She couldn’t believe he was actually interested in her. Surely he had been with dozens of girls and it just seemed so odd that he would find her attractive. Or… Maybe he actually wanted to watch movies? Only one way to find out!

Once they got to his house he made them some drinks and it made Sara feel pretty grown up. He asked her what kinds of movies she liked to watch and she rattled off a few before he cut her off stating he didn’t have anything like that. So Sara suggested he pick and surprise her with something.

He put in an episode of Gramps on Teens and hoped it wouldn’t shock her too bad. Hell, if he got lucky, she might want to act out a few scenes!

Right away Sara realized what kind of movie this was based on the crappy music. Then she spied his cock and noticed it was already pitching a tent and nobody in the movie was even naked yet. This made her pussy instantly get moist.

Sara asked gramps if she could sit next to him incase there were any scary parts and he made some room for her next to him on the couch. By accident Sara’s skirt rode way up her legs and her panties were completely visible. This made gramps cock twitch, which made Sara giggle, so gramps made it twitch on command eliciting another giggle from the little girl.

"You can touch it if you want. It won’t bite you." Gramps offered.

Sara slowly inched her hand towards his cock and just as she got there he made it twitch again. She yelped and pulled her hand away like it was some kind of snake or something. He rubbed her back and shoulders brining her closer to him and reassuring her it didn’t bite.

This time when Sara reached out to play with it he didn’t make it move and she came in contact with his raging hard on.

"It is really big." Sara said in amazement. Not even knowing she was talking out loud.

Gramps undid his zipper and fly allowing his cock to spring out of the tight confines. Sara slowly wrapped her hand around it noticing how hot and hard it was. Precum was already coming out of gramp’s cock head and Sara wondered what it tasted like.

She rubbed her finger into his precum and brought the clear liquid up to her mouth. It didn’t taste like anything she had ever tasted before and more importantly, it didn’t taste bad. Then she felt gramps head on the back of her head pushing her down to taste it right from the source. Without too much of a fight on her part, Sara found herself face to face with gramps meaty cock!

Once her tongue hit his cock a lot of precum came out of it and he pushed her head farther down until his cock was almost at the back of her throat. Sara had seen many blowjob scenes before while watching her brother’s porno tapes so she was actually looking forward to trying to make gramps feel as good as the guys did in the pornos!

Sara slid off of the couch onto her knees between gramps legs and began emulated the girls she had seen in the pornos. After a minute of this gramps reminded her about her teeth and after that Sara started blowing gramps cock like a pro!

Several minutes went by and Sara was beginning to wonder if she would run out of moves. If she did run out, would gramps get bored? Instead of getting bored gramps came to the end of his rope. It was time to blow his load and he wasn’t sure if Sara knew sperm would come out of his cock so, being a gentleman, he pulled her face up to warn her.

Not having any of that Sara brought her head back down and she began deepthroating the old geezer. Now he was sure she had some experience with this sort of thing and he fired his guns right now her throat!

Sara hadn’t tasted cum before and was surprised to find that it tasted just like everyone said it did… salty! Maybe this is why her grandpa always referred to other guys his age as, "You old salty dog!"

Being that Sara liked the taste of salt and put it on just about everything, she eagerly slurped up every last drop of his man goo. Gramps couldn’t believe his lucky stars. He continued to share his movie collection with this little fuck bunny for many years. She even brought him friends that were curious about fucking older men!

You can see all of the action at Gramps on Teens. Older guys get lucky with younger girls every week and with a Tiny Teen Pass you can enjoy daily updates across the entire network!

The Tiny Teen Pass network is always expanding with exciting sites like Cute Tabby, Tiny Becky and Lil Kelly. Grab your password and start living the dream!

Blogged Under: Gramps On Teens,Tiny Teen Pass
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Posted By admin on 01/03/12 - Bookmark Cute Tabby


Mothers can be somewhat inconsistent when it comes to protecting their daughters. For instance, I knew a girl that looked a lot like Lil Kimmy above and her mom was very protective of her. She wasn’t allowed to wear skirts, makeup or tops that showed her bra straps… But then why did her mom buy her a crochet bikini and invite the football team and the cheerleading squad over for a pool party?

Some moms live vicariously through their daughters all too often, and some, like my Lil Kimmy look-a-like’s mom only fuck up once in a while, but when they do… it is a doozy!

This girls mom bought her and her daughter matching crochet bikinis and the spacing between the loops was much larger than the one Lil Kimmy is wearing. Large enough to allow rock hard nipples to peak out and a little peach fuzz too!

The football team was evenly split between checking out the daughter and going MILF all over the mother. Her mom was eating up all of the attention and seemed completely oblivious to the fact that her daughter’s bikini was attracting the same amount of attention for the same reasons!

Most people would assume the girls on the Tiny Teen Pass all had mothers that let them get away with murder when it came to boys and how they dressed, but nothing could be further from the truth! Most of the girls came from very strict backgrounds and once they turned 18 years old they decided to express all of that pent up sexual frustration!

Their parents loss is our gain!

Get over 20 solo model sites for just a buck and cancel online if you aren’t warm blooded, male and have a dick. Or, stay a member and enjoy new updates, unlimited downloads and new girls added often!

One of the newest girls is Cute Tabby and she has friends like Lil Kelly and Tiny Becky that are also new. So new they haven’t even went live with their sites yet!

Blogged Under: Lil Kimmy,Tiny Teen Pass
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Posted By admin on 01/03/12 - Bookmark Cute Tabby


While we wait for Cute Tabby to officially open it is time to spend some time with two super cute teens named Selina 18 and Paulina 18. As their names would suggest they are both barely legal girls. Both of these two beauties do hardcore, but first they like to practice on each other!

So let me set this up… Your buddies sister invites some friends over for a sleepover and then he gets called to cover a shift at work. Now it is just you and the girls and they have a big crush on you!

Being in high school, both of the girls are a bit jealous of each other and are willing to fight for your affections. Being a fair person you suggest they have a dance off. Things start out plain vanilla, but very soon they get all tin roof sundae!

As if on cue both girls strip down to their matching bra and panty sets. They notice your cock is getting excited and they move in closer. Now it is turning into more of a couch – dance – off.

Selina 18 starts rubbing her cute little ass into your cock and you can’t hide your excitement anymore. Your cock goes rock hard and presses on her ass crack. Now it is Paulina’s turn and she rubs her 18 year old crotch against your raging hardon while smothering your face in her perky small tits.

"Sheesh! Why don’t you just take your top off, Paulina!" A jealous Selina yells out.

"Why don’t you both take them off!" You suggest and to your amazement they both pop them off in less than a second.

You move Paulina 18 over a bit so she is straddling your right leg and then motion to Selina 18 to straddle your left. Now both girls are grinding your thighs while you alternate sucking on their little titties!

Suddenly you feel one of those caressing your cock and then the other one springs on your cock hard enough with her hand to make you flinch. You let them know they need to slow it down and instead of going slower they pop your pants open, diving their hands in to touch your naked cock!

Selina 18 jumps down to her knees on the floor and puts her warm mouth on your cock. Paulina pulls her hand up the shaft to take your cock head out of her friend-emies mouth and you grab her wrists and pull them over your head. Then you grab her ass and pull her entire body up so she is standing in front of you with her young pussy only inches away from your face.

Paulina gets the idea and thrusts her crotch at your mouth. Your tongue works her pussy through her panties and you can taste her pee. Never having tasted pee before you think it tastes rather sweet… oh… and having Selina’s mouth on your cock might have helped you come to that conclusion…

Before long Paulina has pulled her panties over to feel your warm tongue on her little clit. Once the two make contact she yelps and pulls your head hard into her crotch. Paulina leans forward a little to put her knees on either side of your head and her hands on the wall above you. With your hands holding her little hiney you steady her enough to reach orgasm.

While she is cuming on your tongue your cock is blowing its load into Selina’s mouth. You can’t believe you are shooting your load into the mouth of a girl you used to think was annoying. Now she is amazing… at sucking cock!

With a Tiny Teen Pass nights like these can happen every night of the week. There are over 20 sites in the network and new ones are being added all of the time. Cute Tabby and Lil Kelly are two of the newest. So new they haven’t even officially opened yet!

Blogged Under: Paulina 18,Selina 18,Tiny Teen Pass
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Posted By admin on 01/03/12 - Bookmark Cute Tabby


I mean seriously… Do I even have to write anything?

This brace faced cutie is Teen Topanga. She is just one of the many barely legal teen models you get with the Tiny Teen Pass. For just $1 you get access to over 20 solo model and multi-model sites! is one of the original sites in the network. She appears on her friends sites like Chloe 18 and Little Summer. Topanga has lots of friends like Little Lexie that come over to her house to play naughty games. Who says teen girls are full of sugar and spice?

Well… I can see the hot spice, but the sweetness of sugar?

These girls are bad to the bone!

Blogged Under: Teen Topanga,Tiny Teen Pass
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